

A student from Afghanistan, Homaira embodies determination and resilience.  Currently, she attends the University of Power Engineering & Telecommunications in Kazakhstan, on a partial scholarship which falls short of covering her basic needs.  A...


A very bright student, Hasin’s exceptional intellect spans Physics, Mathematics, and Computer Algorithms. His sister, Faryal and brother Hasib, both also sponsored by ‘A More Balanced World’ (AMBW), are pursuing a PhD in Economics and a Doctorate in Dental Medicine...


Shima is a determined schoolgirl, living in Afghanistan, with her parents, and 3 of her siblings.  Both her parents lost their jobs when the country fell back into the hands of the Taliban and despite their efforts have remained unemployed due to the closure of...


A young woman from Afghanistan, Sima and her husband are currently living in Kabul, under severe financial constraints.  She is pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology, online, with a private donation from a friend that covers her tuition and a scholarship from...


Michael is a dedicated, intelligent, and hopeful high school student from Tororo, Uganda. Living with one parent and two older siblings, he has faced significant challenges due to a lack of family support for his education since primary school. Despite these...