AMBW Outreach Center
inThe United States
One in three students who enroll in higher education in the U.S. will never complete their degree. Only 11% of students from the lowest-income quartile earn their bachelor’s within six years, as compared with 58% who come from the highest-income group. Those most at-risk of dropping out are likely to be financially challenged. Many are left with loans they cannot pay off.
The inability to repay the student loan taken before dropping out, coupled with a lack of post-secondary education impacts any future loans or job opportunities, and the vicious cycle continues to disenfranchise students from opportunities.
In 2021, 52% of 2-year colleges and 43% at 4-year universities were housing insecure. 43% of full-time and 81% of part-time college students report having to work while enrolled in school, with 52% earning minimum wage, 8% of those $7.25/hr.!
It is against this backdrop that A More Balanced World seeks to create opportunities for undeserved students who are among this vulnerable population.
About Outreach Center
About Our Outreach Program
Make a Contribution
We invite you to join us in making a lasting impact on the life of the most vulnerable in our communities.
How to Get Help
If you are in school and in need of our assistance, please reach out to us.