A More Balanced World

​In Uganda, primary school education is compulsory, but free education at the secondary level depends on the result of a national exam at the end of Primary.   That’s when the majority of the underprivileged children are left out, since with 100+ pupil classrooms and often unmotivated teachers, children could reach the end of Primary level, still unable to read and write.  Secondary school enrollment is less than 20%.

In partnership with the ‘Pearl Community Empowerment Foundation’ in Uganda AMBW funds education of a number of students from primary school, though high school and on to university.

About PCE Foundation

Beatrice Achieng Nas PCE Founder, Exec. Director

Our Representative in Uganda

Beatrice Achieng Nas, PCEF

The founder and Exec. Director of Pearl Community Empowerment Foundation, Beatrice holds a Bachelor’s degree in Information Technology from Makerere University in Uganda, as well as certifications in Project Management, and HIV Prevention Strategies, Counseling and Testing.

Beatrice was a Leadership Scholar at Wellesley Centers for Women, Wellesley College, in 2013 and trained at the Geneva Center for Security Policy, on the topic of ‘Learning and Influencing with Impact.’   She is also a global voice for the grassroots women at World Pulse..

Beatrice’s experiences growing up in a poor rural village and the difficulties she encountered while trying to complete her own education prompted her to establish the PCE Foundation.  She believes everyone has the potential to live a better life, if given the opportunity, motivation, and access to education.

Sustainable Change Through Education and Awareness

To fulfill its vision of ‘empowered communities that would take charge of their own development’, PCE Foundation supports education of rural community children and youth in Eastern Uganda.  This, they believe not only would increase the capacity of the local families in supporting education of their own children, but would also allow them to affect change in Uganda.

To date PCE Foundation has educated 280 underprivileged primary students and through its ‘Rural Girl Child Mentorship’ program, given the opportunity of secondary and tertiary education to 220 students; many having graduated as teachers, nurses, and entrepreneurs. 

In addition to academic support, PCEF places a strong focus on a host of issues, including health education, dangers of teenage pregnancy, HIV/AIDS awareness, as well as life skills, Leadership, and problem solving, through training and campaigns.

Educational Infrastructure Development

The Portland Nursery and Primary School was founded to provide an education to the Amor Village children without the need for them to walk miles to the nearest school or live away from their families. Beginning with holding classes in two huts under a mango tree, today classes are held in a school building with 6 classrooms, an administration office, and a community room for events, having educated 280 students of ages 3 to 11.

To avoid the high cost of sending the village girls to the city to attend boarding schools for their Secondary level, PCEF has begun building the Portland High School for more deprived girls and boys to complete their secondary level in Amor Village before moving to big cities to attend university or vocational training.

Economic Sustainability

To empower rural communities to take charge of their own development and to ensure implementation of relevant and sustainable projects, PCE Foundation embraces community driven solutions to their challenges.  Furthermore, these projects directly involve and benefit the community members, especially women and children.

To that end, PCE Foundation promotes increased crop production through environmentally friendly farming techniques which both improves food security and enhances income for the families.  This is accomplished through planting fruit trees and creating community demonstration vegetable gardens, as well as farming on family plots as the way to motivate beneficiaries to use those methods on their own farms and through Farming Cooperative.

Other innovative projects engaging women include bee keeping, poultry, and craft making.  Microfinance and entrepreneurship are encouraged among mothers whose daughters are in the sponsorship program to reduce donor dependency.

Make a Contribution

We invite you to join us in making a lasting impact on the life of the most vulnerable in our communities.

Our Students









Veronica Awor


Amor Village – Tororo


Amor Village – Tororo


Amor Village – Tororo


Amor Village – Tororo


Amor Village – Tororo

Patience Atye

Amor Village – Tororo


Amor Village – Tororo

Florence Apio

Amor Village – Tororo






Jinja City


Jinja City


Jinja City


Jinja City


Amor Village – Tororo


Amor Village – Tororo