Meet Our Scholars Series- Faryal & Hasib

A bright and motivated young girl from Herat in Afghanistan, Faryal has always done well in school and set an example for her two younger brothers, to follow.

Upon completing her high school diploma she entered university of Herat and obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Economics.  For her Master’s degree, Faryal wanted to study abroad. She applied to and got accepted into the prestigious St. Petersburg Polytechnic University on a scholarship; however her living expenses would still make the move cost-prohibitive for her family.

At this point, Faryal’s younger brother Hasib, a quite intelligent and university-bound young man himself, had just graduated from high school, two years ahead of his peers and with a high GPA.  Realizing the importance of education for his sister however, Hasib decided to forego his own higher education and work instead to support Faryal’s educational goal.  With this sacrifice, Faryal was able to obtain her Master’s in Economic with a GPA of 4.65; this, just as Taliban retook control of Afghanistan in August of 2021.

Aware of what her fate would be if she returned home, Faryal decided to continue her education in Russia towards a PhD in her field, but once again, was facing financial constraints. That’s when she was introduced to and received a scholarship from ‘A More Balanced World’ to pursue her educational goal.

Touched by his selfless act toward his sister, once it learned, ‘A More Balanced World’ extended a scholarship to Hasib too so he can follow and realize his own goals and dreams.
Like his sister, Hasib is bright and an over-achiever. Upon receiving commitment for financial support from ‘A More Balanced World’, in two short months he prepared for and passed the difficult entrance exam for medical school in Herat and began in Fall of 2022, just as his sister Faryal began her PhD program.

Completing his first term with GPA of 90.14 out of 100 and ranking 2nd in the entire university, Hasib wrote us:

“…. My main goal for the future is that after I graduate as a physician, to try my best to support education of young people finding themselves in the same situation I was; I also have the goal of helping the underprivileged and the impoverished….”

And we couldn’t have asked for anything more!